The Books are Not A Lie

Maybe it’s time to talk about what this here blog is and isn’t? I think if by now you’re following me and reading this you should get a cookie or some cake or pie, or a gold star since I didn’t expect to have one follower let alone however many there are of you out there. More than one. All these places that talk about ‘how to make a successful blog in 35865 easy steps!’ seem to indicate that I’m doing things entirely wrong anyway, so who knows.

This blog is about a page long.

No.  It’s about books and the process of getting my Masters of Science in Library and Information Science.  But what the hell is that even? And will there be reviews? And I believe some of you were now promised pie? The truth is… I have no idea.  I’m sorry but the pie was just a myth. The cake is a lie too.

cake is a lie

But the cookies are real. (That’s a lie)

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Why my husband is wrong today.

This could be a LONG post, but I’ll keep it specific to books.

We have this great relationship where I suggest to him books and he reads them because I just get him and his style, and I don’t recommend him things that he won’t enjoy.  Except for the part where he reads them.  Since he doesn’t tend to read them unless I’m throwing them in his face and waving my arms and saying, “No, but seriously, this book is a billion percent you and you’re going to die if you don’t read it and also so will I and then everyone will say ‘oh if only he read that one book that everyone knew he would like and his wife said would be perfect for him’ and ‘yeah it’s a total shame’ and then they’ll raid our bookshelves for the best stuff.”

That’s how I got him to read Harry Potter, I think.

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